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Laurena Yurkowski
Feb 12, 20183 min read
Essential Oils to get you through the winter season
Winter is a difficult time for most. Credit card bills arrive from the holiday season, lack of sunshine, often too cold to get outside...
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Laurena Yurkowski
Jan 15, 20182 min read
Employee Absenteeism is costing the Canadian economy 16 Billion dollars a year!
Did you know that Employee absences are costing the Canadian economy an estimated 16.6 billion dollars annually according to 2013...
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Laurena Yurkowski
Oct 10, 20172 min read
Did your summer shoes cause you Back and Knee pain or worse... Plantar Fasciitis?
As soon as the snow melts and the flowers start to bloom, many Canadians pull out their flip flops. It’s a way to rejoice at the end of...
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Laurena Yurkowski
Jun 19, 20172 min read
How foot reflexology works against Migraines
If you suffer from migraines, you know there is no way to describe stabbing pains shooting through your eyes, flashing auras so bright nause
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